Renger, Bunster & Noguchi (2018): ‘Modular Net Zero Carbon House: Prototype Development for Mass Customisation' - Conference paper & Chair of conference session

Modular construction and prefabrication are increasingly gaining significance due to their potential for cost savings, improved energy efficiency and quality control, as demonstrated by various examples around the world. Due to the repetitive nature and volume of mass production, design quality can become a challenge and sustainability is often neglected, particularly in large-scale projects. This has recently led to the development of mass customisation/ personalisation strategies being applied to housing and to the establishment of the international Zero Energy Mass Custom Home (ZEMCH) Network.

The objective of this paper is to present a modular Net Zero Carbon Housing approach developed under these premises and illustrated with three project examples. The concept won the Sustainable Housing for Life Design Award 2015 and is currently being developed for industrial deployment with a prefabrication manufacturer. The design is highly flexible and adaptable to different locations and user needs and thus attracted interest at the University of Melbourne for it to be taken up as a prototype for Australia within the ZEMCH Network.

The proposed holistic sustainable design approach shows promising ways to achieve costeffective mass customisation because a limited number of prefabricated elements allow for a variety of different configurations. This enables a personalised design to suit individual social needs and response to local site- and climate conditions. The lifecycle performance target aims at net positive contributions to the surrounding social- and ecosystems.


 Renger, Birkeland & Midmore (2015), 'Net-positive building carbon sequestration', Building Research & Information, 43(1), 11-24

A greater appreciation of architecture as a means to drive social, economic and environmental sustainability is emerging around the world. Practices are beginning to adopt closed-loop and cradle-to-cradle strategies, and some are even aiming toward net-positive design. However, life cycle assessment (LCA) tools do not measure ‘beyond zero’. The question of how net-positive carbon sequestration (i.e. impacts beyond net-zero) can be assessed within LCA is explored through a proposed carbon amortization performance (CAP) method. CAP overlays energy-related carbon and biomass sequestration over the building life cycle. CO2 equivalence (CO2) is used to combine both positive and negative impacts from different sources. Net-positive contributions are defined as those exceeding ‘zero operational carbon’ – after the embodied carbon is paid back during the life cycle. The CAP method was tested on a building design with the technical support of multidisciplinary experts. The results indicate that a building can sequester more carbon over its life cycle than it emits by using on-site current renewable energy technology and extensive building-integrated vegetation. Buildings designed on net-positive development principles can potentially reverse their carbon impact and begin to regenerate their regions, while providing multiple eco-services.

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Renger (2014) 'Evaluating the Viability of Net Positive Carbon Sequestration in Buildings based on a Case Study in Brisbane, Australia', Conference Proceedings, World Sustainable Building Conference WSB14, Barcelona, Oct. 28-30, 2014

Developed nations must begin transitioning their economies towards reversing greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent further climate disruption. As currently designed, cities are a major contributor to emissions. Net Positive Development (PD) theory provides a framework for planning and designing cities to support their regions rather than depleting them. A design for Brisbane, Australia, was undertaken to test whether a building can sequester more carbon than it emits by exceeding resource autonomy and using extensive building integrated vegetation. A full life cycle approach showed that net positive carbon sequestration (as one key PD element) is theoretically possible. This paper provides evidence that net positive building carbon performance can also be economically viable in Australia, depending on location and user profile. Designed as an integral part of nature, architecture can become a climate mitigation strategy that increases life quality and natural security at net savings to society.

Renger, Birkeland & Midmore (2013) 'Positive Development: 'Design for Urban Climate Mitigation and Ecological Gains', Conference Proceedings, CaGBC National Conference and Expo / Regional Sustainable Building Conference SB13, Stream 5 - 'Pushing the Boundaries: Net Positive Buildings', Vancouver BC, June 4-6, 2013

Despite major improvements in efficiency, cities are still greatly impacting their bioregions through material extraction, energy usage and transport demands. Current 'best practice' concepts, measurements and tools only focus on the reduction of this impact. Positive Development (PD) theory reframes sustainable planning, design and decision making within an open systems and eco-positive framework. PD posits that future-proof buildings can go beyond regeneration and resilience over their life cycle to increasing the net ecological base beyond pre-industrial conditions through exceeded resource autonomy and building-generated eco-services, and benefit the ecology, the general public as well as investors. The paper documents an analysis that was undertaken, with substantial interdisciplinary expert support, to determine if a building could amortise its embodied and operating energy, water and carbon emissions over its life cycle. PD concepts, methods and tools were applied to a building design to test whether a future architecture could mitigate the urban climate while increasing environmental quality, ecological carrying capacity and access to the means of survival. The conclusion was that buildings that exceed resource autonomy and support substantial ecological space for soil, vegetation and micro-biodiversity could potentially make net positive contributions to both humans and nature.


Kambo, A., Renger, B.C., Drogemuller, R. & Yarlagadda, P. (2016), 'Regenerative Sustainability and Geodesign in Byron Shire', HealthyHousing2016: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings (ICEERB), Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, QLD, pp. 213-228.

Byron Shire, NSW, Australia, aims to transition to zero emissions within ten years in five sectors - energy, buildings, transport, land use and waste. This study investigates the potential of Geodesign to effectively map the shire during this transition.

A contextual study of the shire's residential pockets is initiated using open source Geographic Information System (GIS) data and a typical case study site selected based on demographic information. CO2 equivalents from current electricity usage and offsets from renewable energy systems are added to the database and visualized in ArcGIS software. Site specific benchmarks are derived as the first step of developing a Regenerative Sustainability Design (RSD) strategy using Geodesign tools. The tenets of RS require each building to use systems that enhance overall ecosystem health by achieving positive outcomes for energy, waste, water, biodiversity, etc.

ArcGIS is used for designing built and natural environments in an integrated process. It enables evaluation of RSD alternatives against their impacts, collaborative decision making and community engagement (via apps, online surveys). Vector data can be directly quantified, multiple parameters accounted for and the onground situation presented to stakeholders in a legible and easy to understand format. Complex datasets can be quickly accessed and visualized in order to identify opportunities for positive contributions to the community.

This work shows the value of Geodesign for community planning processes to drive positive change.

ArcGIS can assist in holistic assessments to identify the most effective retrofit opportunities, monitor the transition to zero emissions over time and inform policy.


Renger, C. (2010) 'Lady Elliot Island Eco Resort Hybrid Solar Power Station', The Hotel Engineer, Adbourne Publishing, Belgrave Victoria, vol 15, pp 34-35. Project Architect: Peter Gardiner, Peddle Thorp Architects

As a prototype for innovative off-grid energy management, this project is an example for both environmental protection and economic viability. Located in the remote, pristine location of the World Nature Heritage listed Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Lady Elliot Island Resort was dependent on three diesel generators for electricity supply, consuming 550L fuel/day and 200,000L annually, resulting in a large volume of greenhouse gas emissions and substantial operational cost. Significant improvements were achieved through the installation of the largest privately owned off-grid power system in Queensland. Financial savings of $180,000 annually resulted in a payback period of less than three years while substantially reducing spillage risk through barge transportation, noise emissions and greenhouse gas emissions. The project is attractive for visitors and increases the resorts turnover through its attractiveness as a leading eco-tourism destination. In 2010 it was awarded with the AIA Sustainability Regional and State Award, Finalist for the BPN Sustainability Awards as well as two Innovation and Excellence Awards with the Property Council of Australia (Sustainable Developments & Emerging Assets).


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ZEMCH (Zero Energy Mass Custom Home) International Conference, Jan. 29 – Feb. 1 2018, Melbourne

Modular Net Zero Carbon House: Prototype Development for Mass Customisation, in collaboration with Industry Partners and the University of Melbourne. Due to its design flexibility, the concept attracted interest at the University

of Melbourne for it to be taken up as a prototype for Australia within the ZEMCH International Network.

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Renew Fest 2017, 'Human Habitat' theme, 6-7 May 2017, Byron Shire

Modular Net Zero Carbon House – Design Options & Case Studies

A number of design options for the award winning ‘Net Zero Carbon House’ concept and current projects were presented, along with the construction method of the prefabricated, fully demountable system. The presentation demonstrated the customised approach of the system combined with the efficiency of modular construction.

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7th Annual Modular Construction & Prefabrication Summit Australia. 23-24 August 2016, Brisbane

Presentation: Modular net Zero Carbon House – Flexibility, Adaptability and Efficiency

Prefabrication and construction method of award winning modular design, comparison of CO2 life cycle impacts and relative cost based on energy modeling in different climate zones (Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne & Cairns).

Workshop Lead: Challenges and Opportunities of Modular Construction in Architectural Design

The workshop explored constraints and opportunities of modular construction in architectural design in order to facilitate the uptake in Australia. Participants developed modular design ideas for a real site in Brisbane, aiming at more cost-effective and higher performing sustainable outcomes compared to conventional construction methods.